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  • Ingredients:
    • Starchy vegetables (yams, cassava, plantains, cocoyam, or a combination)
    • Water
  • Accompaniments:Fufu is often paired with a variety of soups and stews, such as:
    • Light Soup: A flavorful broth-based soup containing various ingredients like vegetables, fish, and meat.
    • Palm Nut Soup: A rich soup made from palm nut extract, often featuring fish, meat, or poultry.
    • Groundnut Soup: A peanut-based soup with vegetables and protein.

Fufu is a staple food in West and Central African cuisine. It is a dough-like dish made from starchy ingredients such as yams, cassava, plantains, or cocoyam. Fufu is a fundamental part of many African meals and is typically served with various soups, stews, and sauces. It’s known for its smooth and stretchy texture, which makes it a great accompaniment to flavorful dishes.