banku 1


  • Ingredients: The main ingredients in banku are fermented corn dough, fermented cassava dough, and water. Other ingredients and accompaniments can include:
    • Fermented Corn Dough: Corn dough is made by fermenting maize or corn flour. This fermentation process gives banku its distinct flavor and texture.
    • Fermented Cassava Dough: Cassava dough is made by fermenting grated cassava. It contributes to the stretchy texture of banku.
    • Water: Water is used to mix the fermented corn and cassava dough into a smooth consistency.
    • Salt: A small amount of salt is often added to enhance the flavor.

Banku is a popular traditional dish from Ghana, West Africa. It is a starchy food made from a mixture of fermented corn and cassava dough. Banku is enjoyed as a staple food and is often paired with various soups, stews, and sauces. It has a unique texture that is soft and stretchy, making it a satisfying accompaniment to a wide range of flavorful dishes.


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