Akple 1


  • Ingredients:
    •  Corn Flour
    • Cassava dough
    • Water
    • Salt (optional)
  • Serving Akple: Akple is commonly paired with different types of soups, stews, or sauces, such as:
    • Okra Soup: A flavorful soup made from okra, often containing fish or meat.
    • Light Soup: A broth-based soup often containing fish, meat, and vegetables.
    • Groundnut Soup: A peanut-based soup with vegetables and protein.

Akple, also known as “Banku”, is a traditional West African dish that is a staple in countries like Ghana and Togo. It is made from corn flour only or blended with cassava dough, similar to Banku. However, Akple has a distinct preparation and texture that sets it apart from other dishes.

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